Our Habana location moved! Stop by our new location 302 N. Howard Ave., Tampa, FL, 33606

Research shows that 90% of adults have had tooth decay at some point in their lives. We tend to associate cavities and decay with poor dental hygiene. Does that mean that the vast majority of American adults aren't brushing twice a day? We know that far more than...

Ford or Chevy? Pepsi or Coke? Most of the time when it comes to choices between two different companies' offerings, it is a matter of personal preference. When it comes to the best choice for dental care maintenance supplies (especially electric toothbrushes), the two most...

The holidays are here and we get a lot of questions about electric toothbrushes and the pros and cons associated with them. Are they worth it? Do they help more than a regular brush? Let’s take a quick look at how electric toothbrushes can benefit...