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A woman smiles while holding a model of different types of teeth up to her mouth

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening vs. DIY Options 

Teeth whitening is one of the most sought-after dental treatments by consumers. Nearly two-thirds of all dental office visits are related to teeth cleaning or a basic dental exam.  

However, you may wonder if the treatments you can buy at your local pharmacy are a good substitute. They include special kinds of toothpaste, mouthwashes, and chemical treatments.  

These are some of the benefits of professional teeth whitening and why you shouldn’t cheap out on your smile.  

What Causes Discolored Teeth? 

Discoloration can happen due to both extrinsic and intrinsic causes.  

The outside causes include things like the food and drinks you consume and your dental hygiene routine. Coffee, tea, soda, and certain fruits can all stain your teeth and give them an unsightly appearance. Inadequate brushing and flossing can lead to plaque buildup and permanent food stains.  

However, doing everything right in your daily life may not be enough to keep your teeth white and looking clean. In some cases, your genetics may make you pre-disposed to all kinds of dental problems.  

On top of that, normal aging can cause your outer enamel layer to wear away and reveal the natural yellow color of dentin. Excessive fluoride can also cause teeth discoloration. 

DIY Teeth Whitening Options 

There is a wide variety of DIY teeth whitening options available at your local supermarket, pharmacy, and even outlet stores. 

Some of these are affordable and safe to use, which makes them popular options for people who want to maintain their smiles. Others are more abrasive and may even damage your teeth if misused.  

Safer Choices 

Whitening toothpaste is available in all stores with dental hygiene products. These contain baking soda and hydrogen peroxide that can help lift stains from your teeth.  

Anyone looking for a more natural solution can try coconut oil pulling to help remove plaque and bacteria. However, you’ll need to swish the oil in your mouth for upwards of 20 minutes which may be uncomfortable.  

Over-the-counter whitening kits use a peroxide-based gel to whiten. You must follow the instructions provided for safe and effective use.  

Less Reliable Solutions 

While activated charcoal is touted as a safe way to clean your teeth, it does so using an abrasive process. Brushing your teeth with charcoal wears away at the outer layer of your teeth, which means that it could potentially damage your enamel with prolonged use.  

Along the same lines, too much hydrogen peroxide and baking soda exposure can irritate your gums and damage your enamel. Excessive whitening strip use will also lead to increased tooth sensitivity.  

Professional Teeth Whitening Benefits 

The affordable dental whitening options you can buy at your local store might be cheaper than professional teeth whitening, but they aren’t always as efficient.  

It’s all too easy to mess up the process and do more damage than good. When you visit a professional, you know that they have years of experience and training working with teeth.  

Teeth Whitening Price 

A professional in-office teeth whitening procedure can cost anywhere from $500 to $1,000. However, patients can also take home a customized teeth-whitening kit. These are made to your mouth’s shape to provide the best home whitening experience possible, and they’re a more affordable dental whitening option. 

If you do opt for professional whitening, you can always pay it off in installments.  

Prevent Enamel Damage 

At-home teeth whitening kits can always damage a person’s teeth enamel if used incorrectly.  

As we mentioned, charcoal products clean your teeth via abrasion. It wears away at the plaque buildup, but it can also affect your enamel. Brushing twice daily over an extended period will increase tooth sensitivity and potentially cause your teeth to look even more yellow.  

A professional cleaning is much less risky, as our dentists will know when the whitening process has done its job.  

Guaranteed Results 

Teeth whitening is not a guaranteed process when done on your own. You may not see results as quickly as you like, and wearing away at your enamel may make your teeth more yellow due to exposed dentin.  

Visiting our dental office means you’re sure to get clear results.  

Teeth whitening usually starts with a cleaning. This alone can help your teeth look much better in a short amount of time. It’s followed up with either laser or Zoom whitening, which both take at least an hour.  

Laser whitening uses a laser and gel to produce immediate results. Zoom whitening uses a special light combined with a hydrogen-peroxide gel.  

Long-Lasting Results 

How long your results last will vary between a professional session and over-the-counter products.  

Professional teeth whitening typically lasts between a year or two, as long as you take good care of your dental hygiene. You may need touch-up treatments or at-home whitening options to maintain the results.  

Over-the-counter results are much shorter-term. Whitening toothpaste and mouthwash only removes surface stains. Whitening strips can last longer but max out at about a year.  

Safer Application 

Some of the chemicals used in teeth whitening can prove particularly irritating to your gums. While the instructions that come with over-the-counter products are meant to protect you, you may end up causing damage with overuse.  

Our dentist’s goal is to provide the whiter teeth you desire without causing any harm to your mouth.  

Whiten Your Teeth With McIlwain Dental Specialists 

We understand that most dental insurance policies do not cover cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening. That’s why we strive to offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality. Our experienced team uses advanced techniques to ensure effective whitening results. Trust McIlwain Dental Specialists to brighten your smile with professional, reliable, and cost-effective teeth whitening services. 

McIlwain Dental Specialists has served the Tampa Bay and Wesley Chapel area for over 40 years. Our services cover General Dentistry, Pediatrics, Orthodontics, and more. Contact us today with any of your questions and to set up your first visit.