17 Nov What is the Difference Between a Regular Cleaning and a Deep Cleaning?
It’s that time of year where we seem to be ingesting a bit more delicious treats! Whether it’s snacking on leftover Halloween candy or piling up a fat plate of Thanksgiving vittles at grandma’s it’s definitely the season of scrumptiousness. What does that mean for your teeth and gums? Well, if you’ve been staying on track with your home oral health routine and coming in to see us here at McIlwain Dental to get your regular cleanings, you’re probably going to enjoy every bite just a little more than the folks who don’t maintain their mouths.
Regular cleanings are important because they allow us to not only thoroughly clean your teeth but inspect your teeth and gums for any impending issues that might be trying to take root and take any preventative measures as needed. Keeping a good schedule of daily brushing and flossing is the standard defense against oral health problems and paired with routine visits you’re looking at a rock-solid defense against oral health problems.
If you have been slacking on your personal oral hygiene maintenance and skipping office visits for regular cleanings, you may be in need of a deep cleaning. This means periodontal scraping (scraping off the excess plaque that brushing can’t, both above and below the gum line), root planing (cleaning the ends of your roots), and battling periodontitis (aka chronic gum disease). It’s a lot more involved than just brushing, flossing, and swishing It’s a better bet to avoid these kinds of deep cleanings by focusing on solidifying your own personal oral hygiene routine. It will save you time, money, and the pain associated with addressing chronic gum disease and tooth decay.
If you have questions or need guidance stepping up your oral health game, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at McIlwain Dental for help!